Logos Februar

Free Books: Obadiah (2nd ed.) and 1 Corinthians 1–9: Challenging Church
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This month, pick up Obadiah, 2nd ed. (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament | ZEC) for FREE until February 14.

We’ve gathered 11 new books (in addition to this month’s free book) to help you read Scripture more clearly and deeply. They’re all on sale for under $20 through February 14, including:
James (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)
Daniel (The Story of God Bible Commentary | SGBC)
Job (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)
Hosea: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament)

And last but certainly not least, we have a free book that is available only to subscribers available February 1 through February 28, A Heart Set Free: The Life of Charles Wesley.

With a subscriber’s plan, they get access to an exclusive free book every month, as well as deals from top publishers like Zondervan, Baker, and more—for under $20. It’s the kind of monthly perk that benefits your library for a lifetime.

Free Books: Obadiah (2nd ed.) and 1 Corinthians 1–9: Challenging Church
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Unser kostenloses Buch des Monats im Februar ist ein bewährter Klassiker: der Band „Der Prediger“ der Wuppertaler Studienbibel.

Die Wuppertaler Studienbibel prägt die Auslegung der Bibel in Kirche und Gemeinden seit Generationen und ist ein weithin beliebtes Werkzeug, um die Bibel besser zu verstehen.